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Erica Duran Business Coach and Lifestyle Mentor Coaching Programs | Header Images (Postcard in Canva) 5.5 × 4.3 in

Explore Erica's High-Level Private and Group Coaching Opportunities

Attract High-Paying Clients, Corporate Partners, and Content Sponsors So That You Can Be Paid For Your Presence!

Paid For Your Presence Mentorship

In Erica's Signature Program, you'll work one-to-one with her on EVERY aspect of your business... including all the tech pieces, copywriting, packaging, launching, and more!

You'll receive curated advice and guidance tailored to your specific situation.

You need to know exactly what to do right now to move your business and lifestyle forward and put all the other “noise” aside.

Zero Busywork! - every aspect of this mentorship is meant to help you achieve your business and lifestyle goals.

You Choose The Timeframe That Is Right For You...

One VIP Strategy Day

A Six-Week Intensive
Or, A More Expansive Six-Month Mentorship

Learn More About Erica's Signature Program - The Paid For Your Presence Mentorship

Real-World Mastermind

A Solo Mastermind For Introverts and Achievers

More Action.

More Income.

Less Meaningless Chit-Chat. ;)

Erica's *NEW* mastermind program is built for the REAL world!

Includes DIRECT access to Erica, at a lower investment than her other programs.


Learn More About Erica's Real-World Mastermind

VIP Day Coaching Intensive Experience

This Private or Small Group Intensive is designed for Entrepreneurs and Influencers who want a shortcut to their next level and will not tolerate waiting around for it to happen!

An entire day, away from all distractions and "real life".

We'll meet in a luxury destination or virtually through Zoom to fully focus and strategize on your business and the exact next steps to take to achieve your life and income goals.

Bring your biz bestie(s) and split the investment!

Learn More About Erica's VIP Day Coaching Intensive Experience (Private or Small Group)

Paid For Your Presence Membership

Enjoy a year-long container of support that includes every high-value course and resource that Erica has created for a low monthly investment.

+ Plus +

A direct access to get all your questions answered as you go through the self-paced material.

+ Plus +

Peek behind-the-scenes of Erica's business and lifestyle, invites to exclusive workshops and hot seats, lead exchange, and more!

Erica's Paid For Your Presence Mentorship Is Returning Summer 2024